Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I thought it sucked, a bit

Photo shop was great, I really enjoy it. Because I have a computer at home and now I can do stuff to my family members at home. Yes, so much fun..........bluuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrr................................
Anyways, I am glad I got this to do this................bbbbbblaaaahhhhhhh.......................burp................
So glad I can scream a horse....??????.......................................................................................pop...........
Yep, real hAPPY I got to do this, with people ~who i really don't know, which is pretty scary in my book~......ping....
Too bad, I'm not really going to really remember how to do stuff.

happy happy joy joy
sloppy sloppy toys toys

I really thought i was cheap because there a butt-load of things to remember. And remembering things isn't my best friends. Back-stabbing is my greatest friend
and not remembering


1 comment:

Lissy said...

Yeah, i almost agree with you!!! But its best not to eat in your room if your a messy person!!! Old food brings mices to your room. yeah,I never met a person in my life who is neat. uh huh laterz!